Week 9: Eli & Harry, this and that
Week 10: Mara in town, spring in the air
Week 11: in the neighborhood: pavers, parks and blooms
Week 12: seeing Matisiyahu, more blooms and Eli’s dream
Biking to Blooms: Tidal Basin and the W
Week 13: Blooms, kites and biking to Bethesda with Ben
Week 14: National Arboretum
Week 15: more blooms! Biking in the RC park
Week 16: Invention Convention, petals and blooms, Rose park
Week 18: back home, still blooming
Week 19: Peonies, snapdragons and roses
Week 20: Yom Hazikaron & Haazmaut, Art class, music in the Rose park
Amish Country with Sam & Loui
Week 21: Roses, hydrangeas... Kennedy Center date
Chesapeake with Harry and family
Week 22: no time for pictures
© Alek & Tanya