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17 photos
Alek, Kostya and I joined a Real Estate trek for a visit of WTC 7 and a talk with Mr Janno Lieber, president of WTC Properties.

Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory Detail:

52nd story of WTC 7

View to the NE

Looking North

WTC Construction site

Battery Park City

View onto Jersey City, Colgate clock and NJ's tallest building.

Silverstein Properties WTC Design Center on the 10th floor of WTC 7

TV screens with a motion detecting cursor frame (anyone knows the proper name for that frame thingy?)

Excerpt from the slideshow

Closer view of the Freedom Tower construction

Motion detecting cursor frame thingy in action

Miniature of the Lower Manhattan and the reflection of the actual one.

Model of the future WTC

Design Team Conference Room