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Alek & Tanya
Holidays <=2015
Vintage Harlem Halloween & The Village Parade
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© Alek & Tanya
Funkraiser at the Frying Pan
Funkraiser at the Frying Pan
Funkraiser at the Frying Pan
Waiting for the uptown train
Waiting for the uptown train
Graham Court, just before getting kicked out back to "our part of town"
Along Lenox Ave
Suicidal ghost :)
@ Harlem Pop
@ Harlem Pop for a Vintage Tea Social
@ Harlem Pop for a Vintage Tea Social
@ Harlem Pop for a Vintage Tea Social
@ Harlem Pop for a Vintage Tea Social
"White Castle", of sorts
"White Castle", of sorts
"White Castle", of sorts
"White Castle", of sorts
Refueling @ the Tropical Bar & Grill
Refueling @ the Tropical Bar & Grill