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Visitors 39
17 photos

Categories & Keywords
Category:City Scenes
Subcategory:Street Scenes
Subcategory Detail:

How do you like my new tulupchik?

How do you like my new tulupchik?

Frozen pond in Boston Commons

Frozen pond in Boston Commons

It's a bird!

It's a bird!

Alek in his new tulupchik in front of JFK's school in Brookline

Alek in his new tulupchik in front of JFK's school in Brookline

JFK's childhood home, around the corner from the school.

JFK's childhood home, around the corner from the school.

The modest beginings any candidate would be proud of...

The modest beginings any candidate would be proud of...

Kupel's Bagels

Kupel's Bagels

Hamentashen assortment

Hamentashen assortment

Yey, nothing from with a little lox bagele after breakfast...

Yey, nothing from with a little lox bagele after breakfast...

Dig in!

Dig in!

Jewish suburbia

Jewish suburbia